Prerequisite node and npm should be installed on your system.
There are multiple ways of doing the same and over here will be using nativefier which is a wrapper for electron js.
create a directory where you have to save your project.
then in the same directory run the below command npm install -g nativefier which will install nativefier on your system.
now run the npm command to create a nativefier application which will open your web application on windows as application. nativefier — name ‘application_name’ ‘web_application_url’
After successfully running the npm command a folder(example-application-win32-x64) will get created in the directory (which contains electron code auto generated using nativefier).
Now for running the application in folder there is a executable file which will open the web app on windows as windows application.
As your application is generated but for sharing purpose it’s bit difficult sharing whole folder with customer. So, now we will convert this folder into a executable installer.
Firstly, install electron-winstaller for that run below npm command in the same folder. npm install electron-winstaller
create a new folder for installer with preferred naming convention (example — application_name_installer).
Then, in the created directory create build.js file and push the below content in the file.
on cmd run node build.js for creating the application installer.
after successfully running the command open the outputDirectory there you will find the shareable executable file.